Kangaroo Island

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ABOUT THIS REGION Kangaroo Island is Australia's third-largest island, after Tasmania and Melville Island. It lies 112 km (70 mi) south-west of Adelaide. Its closest point to the mainland is Snapper Point in Backstair Passage which is 13.5 km (8.4 mi) from the Fleurieu Peninsula. It is a short flight from Adelaide or a ferry ride from Cape Jervis. Kangaroo Island is rich in history. In 1802, British explorer, Matthew Flinders landed near Kangaroo Head on Dudley Peninsula. French explorer, Nicolas Baudin, followed soon after and mapped most of the island. Once occupied by Aborigines, the native population disappeared after the land became an island following rising sea levels several thousand years ago. Kangaroo Island became Australia's first free settlement with sealers, escaped convicts and runaway sailors calling the island home. In July 1836, the barque Duke of York anchored on the island and began the first formal settlement in South Australia. Since then the island's economy has been principally agricultural, with a southern rock lobster fishery and with tourism growing in importance. The largest town, and the administrative centre, is Kingscote. The island has several nature reserves to protect the remnants of its natural vegetation and native animals, with the largest and best-known being Flinders Chase National Park at the western end. At its peak, some 300 people lived on the island and 42 dwellings and other buildings were constructed. While the formal settlement lasted just four years, some persistent individuals stayed on and formed the basis of a community that still prides itself on a strong sense of independence. Today, life on Kangaroo Island is a lot easier but still boasts unspoilt white beaches, gourmet food and wines and a real holiday spirit. Wildlife surrounds Kangaroo Island. The ocean is teeming with fish, sea lions and little penguin colonies. Stand on the shore in the cooler months and watch migrating southern right whales and their calves. This place is like a zoo without fences, with rare bird life, tammar wallabies, short-beaked echidnas and plenty of kangaroos and koalas. INDUSTRY RESOURCES Regional Tourism Website : Kangaroo Island Regional Tourism Website : South Australia Research and Statistics : South Australian Tourism Commission Local Councils : Local Government Association of SA CREDITS Information Source : Wikipedia Information Source : South Australia Image Credit : Seal Bay Conservation Park : SATC : 2009 Brett Sheridan Regional Map : Copyright 2014 GoPanda Communications GoPanda

Kangaroo Island Region Map
Kangaroo Island Region Image